You can never be good enough for them! (Part II)

Have you ever considered plastic surgery as an option? Have you ever felt uncomfortable in your own body? Have you ever felt that you aren’t pretty enough? Have you ever cursed yourself for who you’re?

We didn’t care much as a kid. Life was carefree, things were fun. But what has really changed now? We’re just the same person, yet our life is no longer the same. Love is no more served on a silver platter.

Yesterday, I watched a video on ‘Dr.Phil‘, in which an English man, having an addiction of cosmetic surgery had arrived on his show.

British man reveals he's spent £125k on FIFTEEN surgeries to look ...
Oli has undergone 15 surgical and over 100 non-surgical procedures to emulate the look of Jimin from BTSI

As soon as I got to know about the excruciating life of this young man, I realized that Comparison has always led us to dig our own graves. It is rightly said, “Childhood trauma is the worst fear of all.” The same happened to be the case with poor Oli. A transient phase of childhood bullying, peer pressure, failed relationships and mutual comparison permanently tormented his mental well-being. When he was left with no choice than to make his own identity worthless and take up someone else’s, he had to ruin his natural beauty through surgical procedures.

We willingly hand over the rein of the decisions of OUR LIFE to others. The society instigates us and we pull the trigger. We need to understand that paying heed to whatever the society wants from us and sincerely fulfilling their expectations, it’s only their victory & our defeat. Don’t let’em take the toll on our life; because ultimately, it’s you at the end who has to take care of yourself. Don’t let even a single person to let you down. And therefore, we need to cease our obsession with perfection and begin to respect and motivate ourselves.

Stand up for yourself!

Surely, I don’t need a society, relationships or even friends who could not accept me for who I’m, do you?

For Part I: Click here

Published by Romil

Trying to figure out who I really am.

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